18 julio 2009

That's the way it is

Walter Cronkite, news presenter and managing editor who presided over "CBS Evening News" from 1962 to 1981, died yesterday at the age of 92. His trademark sign-off, "And that's the way it is," became very familiar to many Americans. Beginning with the Kennedy assassination in 1963, Cronkite shaped coverage of some of the most tumultuous times in U.S. history, including the 1968 assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. He has been one of the most trusted public figures in America for decades.
But I'm sure most of you will always remember his astonished silence when Armstrong set foot on the Moon. I wasn't born in 1969 but many times have I watched this historical moment on TV with great admiration.
Rest in peace... and that's the way it is.

3 comentarios:

Migue dijo...

La caña, fue increíble. Echamos unos buenos ratos, si fuera por ellos y por los que pasamos en el váter... En mi facebook está la secuencia del niño.

Migue dijo...

Este comentario como podrás/ podréis entender no iba aquí, sino en el de arriba ¡gulp! Lo he intentado subsanar volviendo a acoplarlo donde tenía que ir, pero no puedo eliminar el que se ha quedado aquí. I'm sorry.

Jesus dijo...

Que genial fue ver al Jefe con la Banda, es otra cosa!
Come Back SOON BRUCE!!