18 enero 2009

Dancing in the dark

Nothing to do with the song, a small earthquake registering 3.1 on the Richter scale struck us in the middle of the night. You can imagine we felt it pretty well since we were so close to the epicentre. It wasn't a big one after all, but this kind of things makes me wonder how fragile we are compared to the powers of nature, so often underestimated and damaged by us humans.

1 comentario:

Jesus dijo...

Lo sabia! Estaba yo viendo en ese momento Asalto al tren del dinero, cuando senti un meneo raro en la cama y un crujido extraño, y pense: mañana me meto en el instituto de sismologia a ver si hubo algo. vosotros lo tuvisteis cerquita, pero menos mal que fue flojito.